The Challenges of Post-war Development in Asia and Africa
A selection of papers from the 2014 Annual Symposium of the Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA), Sri Lanka, convened jointly with the Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium (SLRC).
This Special Collection addresses a range of policy areas and concerns including humanitarian assistance, international/bilateral aid, role of donors, macro-economic trajectories, minority rights, urban development, internally displaced populations, child and adolescent well-being, and, community driven approaches.
The Collection underlines why policy and research concerning post-war development must be guided by critical perspectives emerging from grounded and inter-disciplinary approaches to class and state formation, political economy, humanitarian and human rights practices, aid, spatial transformation, social control, gender relations, militarisation, and community participation.
The papers highlight the crucial importance of interrogating dominant narratives by asking: What does the post in post-war or post-conflict really imply? How is development a legacy or continuation of war or conflict by other means? How does the emphasis on transition affect the agenda of social and political-economic transformation? How do state and non-state development interventions, research included, refract or reproduce dominant or hegemonic frames and constructs in relation to development, security, humanitarianism, aid, and welfare in the context of war and conflict?
A complete PDF for the collection can be downloaded here: high res (9.9MB) or low res (2.2MB)