Strengthening the Rule of Law and Human Rights in the Sahel


  • Mireille Affa'a-Mindzie International Peace Institute



Africa, Sahel, Rule of law, Human rights


Despite formal adhesion by countries in the Sahel to regional and international standards promoting governance, human rights and the rule of law, weak state institutions, poor human rights track-records, as well as poor governance and corruption remain widespread and have built up to erupt in the political and security crisis that unfolded in Mali. Strengthening human rights and the rule of law by renewing the commitment made by countries in the region to democratic, governance and human rights frameworks, has the potential to bring sustainable peace back to Mali while preventing escalation in the neighbouring countries. Beyond the complete ratification and effective implementation of these various instruments, efforts must be pursued to improve democratic practices; strengthen ineffective national institutions; and support human rights monitoring mechanisms established at national and regional levels. Moreover, comprehensive transitional justice processes must be implemented in countries emerging from crisis, with a view to addressing past human rights abuses.

Author Biography

Mireille Affa'a-Mindzie, International Peace Institute

Africa Program

Research Fellow


